Ang Hart places a great emphasis on respecting the privacy of our clients, business associates, and staff. Responsible handling of personal information is always a fundamental consideration in our business operations. Our privacy policy aligns with the National Privacy Principles as per the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

You can visit our website's home page and explore our site without revealing your personal data. You may also anonymously browse any of our galleries and access our advertising, promotional materials, or public content for information.


We do not automatically record personal data on our website, nor do we associate information automatically logged through other means with personal data pertaining to specific individuals.

If you choose to access certain information via hyperlinks, you may be assigned a user ID automatically through the use of 'cookies.' These identify your computer to our servers when you visit our site and may be employed to store the sites or databases you have selected and to monitor usage patterns on our site, such as the addresses of visited pages and your server's IP address.


We do not collect any personal or sensitive data from our online visitors unless initiated by the visitor. We do not obtain information about our online visitors from external sources, such as private organisations, public records, or web visitor data lists for commercial purposes.

Our Internet Service Provider (ISP), the company that owns the web server hosting our site, may only collect domain names and the names of referring websites (excluding visitor email addresses). The ISP may aggregate this information to assess the number of visits, the average time spent on the website, and pages viewed. We may use this data to enhance the operational performance and informational content of our site.

If you register online or provide personal data to Ang Hart via any means, we may utilise this information to deliver tailored, specific information. We may store email addresses, telephone numbers, or other contact details to personalise the information we provide to you.

If online services are employed to gain a better understanding of client needs and the profiles of our web visitors and clients, we will inform you of how we intend to use any information when collecting it.

Personal information collected offline may also be used for secondary purposes, such as direct marketing.


Our website does not facilitate visitors in posting information for public access or communicating with other visitors. It may include links to third-party web service providers offering related service and product information from partner service providers that we believe would be of interest and utility to individual clients.


Ang Hart highly values its strong client relationships, often nurtured over many years. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of service.

Data collection technology will be handled with utmost respect for the privacy of our clients. The data we collect will be treated sensitively, securely, and with a strong commitment to privacy.